Tuesday, September 7, 2010


for those don't know wat has been go n on, lil billy bullen was in an accident on Friday. and he had 2 go 2 unc chapel hill hospital 2 have brain surgery, in which he had early Saturday morning. he had a blood clot on his brain. but by Monday he was play n pool n the teen room at chapel hill hospital with Austin Richardson. and by today he was able 2 come home. and he is home know. but he still needs our prayers 4 heeling. our God is soooo great and awsome. and thank u y'all that has been pray n 4 him. and plzz contin 2 pray 4 him ill keep u updated. but other then all that I'm do n better that i know he is home. all i have been do n other then worrying bout lil billy, is clean n my room and watch n TV. and pray n 4 billy. but all i got 2 say is praise God he is still on the thrown.... love u ghys.

love amanda