Sunday, July 3, 2011

finaly home

hallo blog friend/family, iam fanily back n Moore County N.C. i got back here July 2nd at about 7:30pm or so. my trip 2 my moms was good i enjoyed seeing her and spend some wat time with her. i all ways do. but any way, I'm do n good. if there is any thing that iam egered 2 do. that would b get back 2 sandhills n the fall so i can see all of my freinds. i miss them all. but anyway, i cant wait 4 the week of July 10th, just bcuz our church is having vacation bible school then. it starts july 10th and ends july 15th. we start at 7pm every nite and ends about 9pm. we will have a cook on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nite, so make sure u all come hungry on those nites. and snacks on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nite. we will have a class for each age group. there is a class for the following: 0-2 is n one room, 3-5 is in another, 6-7 is n a in another room, and 8 and up will be out front. each age group will have lesson time, then a craft time. Friday nite is our last but big nite. we will have a cook out on that nite. and we will have a puppet show, and give out t-shirts 2 all. so hope u come and enjoy ur self. if u need directions to my church, just comment on this saying so. and leave ur email address, and i will email the directions 2 ya.but other then that iam do n good. :)so i hope u all have a happy and safe 4th of july 2 morrow, good nite